Mae'n rhaid i'r anian newydd

(Yr anian newydd)
Mae'n rhaid i'r anian newydd
  A blanwyd gan y Tad
I gael ei maeth a'i chynnydd
  O ffrwythau'r Ganaan wlad;
Nid oes dim ymborth iddi
  Yn holl deganan'r llawr;
Mae'n tynu ar i fyny -
  O'r nef y daeth i lawr.

A raid i minau drengu
  O eisiau dyfroedd clir?
'Rwyf bron llewygu'n tramwy
  Y dyrys anial dir;
Dwg fi i'r dyfroedd tawel,
  I'r porfeydd gleision mawr,
Lle mae y rhai lluddedig
  Yn rhoi eu penau'i lawr.

Os dof fi trwy'r anialwch
  Rhyfeddaf byth dy ras,
A'm henaid i ddyogelwch,
  'Nol ganwaith colli'r ma's;
A'r maglau wedi'u tori,
  A'm traed yn gwbl rydd,
Os gwelir fi fel hyny,
  Tragwyddol foli fydd.
Casgliad o Hymnau (Calfinaidd) 1859

Tonau [7676D]:
Bremen (Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch 1693)
Ewing (Alexander Ewing 1830-95)
Lymington (Robert Jackson 1842-1914)
Ramah (J D Jones 1827-70)
Talybont (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: O Arglwydd dyrcha arnom

(The new soul)
It is necessary for the new soul
  That was planted by the Father
To get its nourishment and growth
  From the fruits of the land of Canaan;
There is no fodder for it
  In all the trinkets of earth;
It is drawing upwards -
  From heaven it came down.

Must I, though, perish
  From needs of clear waters?
I am almost fainting traversing
  The troublesome desert land;
Lead me to the quiet waters,
  To the great green pastures,
Where the exhausted
  Lay down their heads.

If I come through the desert
  I will wonder forever at thy grace,
And my soul to safety,
  After a hundred times loosing the field;
And the snares having been broken,
  And my feet completely free,
If I am to be seen thus,
  Eternal praise there shall be.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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